Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Honor Roll

Today's honor roll goes to...

All photos from Priscilla of Boston website.

Now that I've begun wedding dress shopping, I guess I have tulle on the brain or something.  Though I haven't tried on any Priscilla gowns yet, I just love anything that saves me time and the Priscilla website posts the prices of their gowns online!  I KNOW, crazy pants.  Crazy skirts rather.  And this includes their other gown lines like Melissa Sweet and Vineyard AND select gowns from Vera Wang's Fall 2010 line.

So yeah, if you couldn't already tell, I'm a numbers girl.  I like removing emotion and alcohol from all my monetary-exchanging decisions and knowing when a dress is affordable is a great way to not make an emotionally charged Way Too Much Wedding decision.

However, if you are a sneaky internet scrounger like me, you may have noticed that you can figure out the price of many wedding gowns that won't post their prices online (boo) by going to one of the following sites:
Preowned Wedding Dresses
Recyced Bride

These sites are primarily for girls looking to buy or sell second-hand gowns, but I've found them an invaluable resource for figuring out the retail price for many popular gowns.  Sellers must post the retail value along with their for sale price, so voilà!  Mystery solved.  And, as wedding costs continue to spiral more and more out of control, you can certainly count on more of these sites popping up in the future!  So now we've got that going for us...

It was through one of these sites that I was able to sever my love affair with the Vera Wang Esther dress.  As if learning that it was Ivanka Trump's dress of choice wasn't enough of a hint...
Sources: Getty via US Weekly and Vera Wang

With that said, I promise that not all of my Honor Roll inductees will be based on their ability to post rates online.  Although it helps, don't you think?

Check out my previous Honor Roll Inductee:
Brooklyn Botanic Garden

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